Monday, October 15, 2012

Last Week's Good Rain

Last Thursday afternoon we received .8" of much needed rain on the course!

The course soaked it up and we will be able to hold off our normal irrigation for a few days, a savings of about 1.5 million gallons of water!  Many of the drain basins you see on the course drain back into our lakes. So, not only did the turf and plants on the course benefit from the rain, we also filled up our lakes with surface run off that collects in our drainage system

Along with the rain came lightning and thunder. Our irrigation system suffered a lightning strike and a power surge blew out our central irrigation control system. A new computer is on its way and we will have to water manually for the next few days.  

Though lightening is not too common for us, this serves as a reminder that lightning is a serious threat and should be respected when you are on golf course. Always take cover and or head to the clubhouse when you hear thunder or see a flash of lightning.

Enjoy the great course conditions. 

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