Tuesday, August 14, 2012

"Rough Work"

The greens are running great and are averaging 11".0" on the stimpmeter.

This summer we have been busy making strides forward in converting our roughs back to Bermudagrass. Bermuda is a warm season grass that is far more tolerant of drought conditions than cool season turf like Ryegrass and Annual bluegrass. 

With our water restrictions and sandy soils, Bermuda is our ideal turf for this location! You may have noticed us aerifing, verticutting and drought stressing our roughs. We have been using cultural methods this season to make conditions less than favorable for cool season turf and giving the Bermudagrass a competitive edge during this summer growing season... Mother nature does the rest by adding heat.  The work we are doing this season to reintroduce our Bermuda grasses into the rough will go a long way to provide great conditioned and even rough next season.

During this process, you will notice weak/patchy areas in the rough where Bermudagrass is actively growing and trying to fill in. Other areas are marked with white paint for ground under repair. Please allow yourself relief by dropping outside the painted areas.   

As you know, Angeles National is still under mandatory water restrictions set forth by the LADWP and we will continue to do our part in conserving this precious resource.

The greens are rolling, the course is playing great, firm, and fast.  See you on the course.

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