Water issues are sill haunting Los Angeles area courses. This winter is turning out to be one of the warmest and driest winters on record at Angeles National.
The month of February is typically when we receive the majority of our rainfall and snow pack in the region and without the much needed help from Mother Nature, we are left with a water shortage on the course. Water use restrictions from the LADWP have not been lifted and are still being enforced. Forcing us to reduce our water usage far below the amount the plant uses on a daily basis.
What we have done in the past and will continue to do now and in the future is to prioritize where we choose to apply our limited resource. As you can imagine, greens, tees and approaches will receive the majority of our water and we will be forced apply less water to our fairways, roughs and driving range.
What you can expect to see is some drought stress on our cool season grasses in our roughs, we will continue to work hard at maintaining excellent playing conditions throughout the course. Very little change will occur to our fairways because our fairways are dormant Bermuda grass.
Even with the water shortage, the course is in excellent playing condition and the greens are running fast and true at 11’-0”.
Thank you and keep your fingers crossed for rain.
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