It is that time of year again when it is necessary that we aerate our greens. Aeration is a very important component of turf health and maintaining consistent and playable putting surfaces.
Aeration is essential to make the turf as healthy as possible, especially going into a dry summer, while promoting deeper, healthier roots, allowing them to draw water from deeper in the soil reservoir. Warm and cool season grasses benefit form spring aeration and is our most effective tool at to ensure the rootzone remains capable of supporting healthy turf.
also improves the rate in which the water moves into the soil and increases the
amount of space available for oxygen to penetrate the soil. Both water penetration and increased
oxygen are critical for root and plant growth. These factors are increasingly important as we enter into
the summer months.
We do our
best to expedite healing times following aeration, however aeration is a
necessary step in order to maintain our great playing surfaces. Our greens will be back rolling smooth
and quick in no time.