Monday, June 20, 2011

The Greens Are On Their Way Back from Aerification

Greens are healing nicely from our recent aeration. 1 more week before they are back in top shape, but they are rolling well and looking good. Still a bit shaggy, but very playable.

In the coming weeks, we will start gathering some stimp readings and getting back in to the 10.5 range.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

That Time of Year - Aeration Schedule and Recovery

Traditionally, the Tuesday following Memorial Day begins our scheduled aeration of the greens at Angeles National. This year aeration was performed on June 6th and 7th. The 2-3 day process involves a punch with 1/2" tines and top dressing with heavy sand. This year we followed a tighter punch and full recovery time will take approximately 21 days.

We aerify late in the season when Poa is going dormant and will pose less of a contamination threat to the greens. The coarse was closed for two days in order to complete the aerification process and provide additional maintenance to the fairways and tee boxes. The maintenance performed on the fairways will clean up any lingering Poa and Rye grass which had come in during the winter months.

The greens will remain bumpy until full recovery, however the coarse is in excellent shape and very playable and we are offering discounted greens fees during the recovery period.